Braille Bits Lesson 10 features special guest student Lauren Thompson discussing the importance of braille. Lesson 10 focuses on Lower Wordsigns (in, enough, be, his, was, were) and Lower Groupsigns (in, en, be, con, dis).
Braille Bits is a correspondence-guided class conducted by the Iowa Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, providing braille lessons online or by mail. This podcast corresponds with each Braille Bits lesson. It features each Braille Bits Lesson and an interview with a special guest to discuss all things braille. Check out the library’s blog for more information about Braille Bits.
Braille Bits Lesson 3 features special guest Karen Cunningham, Instructional Materials Center Librarian, discussing the importance of braille. Lesson 3 focuses on the last...
Braille Bits Lesson 20 features special guest Roger Erpelding. Lesson 20 focuses on Typeform Indicators. Braille Bits is a correspondence-guided class conducted by the...
Braille Bits Lesson 7 features special guest Matt Nemmers, Activities Coordinator for the Education and Training Team at the Iowa Department for the Blind,...